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Wheelwright's Arms, Roper Street, 1925

Photo taken 04 June 1925

State Library Catalogue Reference: B 2699

The former Wheelwright's Arms on the west side of Roper Street, near Wakefield Street, was opened in 1851 and traded until 1921. The building still stands but the sign for Walkerville Ales is no longer visible.

'Footpads in our Streets Last night, about half-past 10 o'clock, Mr. Nootnagel, the Professor of German at the Collegiate School, was attacked in Grenfell street, immediately opposite Messrs. Elder's store, by two men. The lawless interference was so sudden and unexpected, that the worthy professor fell, and one of his assailants, seizing his umbrella, inflicted with it a blow which must have broken the handle in his hand. Mr. Nicholas Foott, who happened to hear the noise of the scuffle, ran to the rescue, and on him one of the villains drew a pistol and fired, but fortunately without effect. Among the few who happened to be present was Mr. Sherwin, the landlord of the Wheelwrights' Arms, who resolutely seized one of the footpads, and received a violent blow on his head, just above the temple and although he let go his hold he did not lose his courage, but gallantly gave chase, 'singing out' lustily for the police. In these vocal efforts he was assisted by another citizen, who saw the pistol fired, and followed up the chase in Gawler-place. Fortunately the vociferations were almost instantaneously successful, and the fugitive was seen to take refuge among the empty bottles and casks of all kinds, of which a large assemblage is usually to be found at the back of what was once called the Adelaide Market, where he was captured. The ruffianly assailant lost his hat in the scuffle, and singularly enough, part of the broken handle of Mr. Nootnagel's umbrella was found in the line of his retreat.'
South Australian Register, Tuesday 24 June 1851, page 2

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