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Heritage Places of Adelaide

Statue of Queen Victoria

Victoria Square ADELAIDE

State Heritage Place

City Archives, HP1341, circa 1894

City Archives, 3554.074.051, circa 1968

The statue of Queen Victoria is a place of State heritage significance. It demonstrates a high degree of creative and technical accomplishment, and is intrinsically related to the heritage of Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square, and the City of Adelaide. The cultural heritage of both would be diminished if the place was removed.Queen Victoria (Alexandrina Victoria), who was monarch of the United Kingdom and the British Empire, then encompassing South Australia and the other Australian colonies. Victoria's statue was placed prominently in Adelaide's central square that was named for her early in her long reign. She was still head of state when the original artwork was created (which is considered a good likeness) and when this statue was erected in Adelaide. Queen Victoria was also strongly identified with South Australia's founding years and development as a British colony, as she ruled from 1837-1901, for close to the whole colonial period, to Federation and the creation of the state of South Australia in that year.The statue was funded by Sir Edwin Thomas Smith who was a leading figure in the evolution of the city of Adelaide, as an entrepreneur, public leader and a philanthropist. His work contributed to shaping the physical fabric of the city as well as influencing its cultural life. Over a fifty-year period he made a contribution which few could match; in many respects the Queen Victoria statue is his monument.

Listing Information

  • Date of Listing: 9 March 2012
  • Heritage Listing Criteria:

    Criteria E: it demonstrates a high degree of creative, aesthetic or technical accomplishment or is an outstanding representative of particular construction techniques or design characteristics;

    Criteria G: it has a special association with the life or work of a person or organisation or an event of historical importance.

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